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JUDr. Anna Vartašová, Ph.D.


Anna Vartašová graduated from Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, the Faculty of Law in Košice, where she also completed her Ph.D. She is a lecturer in the Department of Financial and Tax Law of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, the Faculty of Law in Košice.

She attends international academic conferences and publishes articles (co-author of publications of the institutions of commercial companies and cooperated with the case EUROUNION, 2013). She also works as an advisor to International Property Tax Institute, Toronto.

Her special research focus includes procedural tax law, and the topic of her dissertation is tax proceedings. Her academic work focuses on tax law, especially tax law process, the topic of her dissertation is fiscal management.

As a candidate attorney, she specializes in commercial, civil and labor law.

Anna speaks Slovak and English.

JUDr. Anna Vartašová, Ph.D.